
Digital Vault

Digital Vault

Keep all your passwords, login details, accounts, credit cards, notes and many more electronic information all in one safe place that is protected with one password.


BeingIT®s Digital Vault is your very own password and important information vault. Prevent forgetting passwords or valuable information by storing them in your personal vault. Your vault is highly encrypted and secure, and your information is stored on your local machine. It also includes an import and export option to backup information and could also be used to keep your information synchronized with another location or device. Digital Vault takes away the problem of constantly remembering or choosing similar passwords by requiring you to only remember one, that of your vault. There are categories of which you can choose to store your information depending on preference and importance. You are able to view, delete, add and search vault entries for easier navigation and grouping of vault entries. BeingIT®s Digital Vault is free to download and works on any computer with .Net 2 installed.

Requirements: .Net 2
Download Count: 1346

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